Monday Musings

Hello Afropolitans!

I hope you're all enjoying the new month. Well, have I got a story for you!

*Pulls out chair*

Wellllll, for about a year now I have been wondering how to best utilize the The Afropolitan Shop (TAS) blog. As you might now TAS started as a blog in 2006 called The Afropolitan Network, which highlighted afropolitan stories from around the world. It still remains a passion of mine to publish and share culturally relevant snippets from around the globe about black culture. That's why I'm going to be rolling out a brand new blog this month.

I'm really excited about this, because we'll be sharing interesting snippets from every corner of the Afropolitan globe. My small team of 2 volunteers (I pay them with hugs and love hearts <3 for now!) and I will still focus on fabulous African fashion and design, but will also branch out into the world of music, art, literature, religion and much more! With the common theme of uniting Afropolitan stories and ideas from the people doing the talking. So sit back and enjoy the new look! If you have any questions or suggestions for stories feel free to email me at:

Love Africa,

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